How to Create Git Aliases That Will Save You Hours!


Git is an indispensable tool for developers, but let’s be real—some of the commands can get pretty verbose and repetitive. Thankfully, Git has a feature called aliases that can save you time and keystrokes. By setting up Git aliases, you can turn long, cumbersome commands into short and memorable ones. This article will guide you step by step on how to create and use Git aliases in your day-to-day workflow, making your development process more efficient.

What Are Git Aliases and Why Should You Use Them?

Git aliases are custom shortcuts for commonly used Git commands. Instead of typing out a full command like git checkout, you can set up an alias to run it with just git co. It’s all about working smarter, not harder.

Here’s why aliases are worth your attention:

  • Save time: Avoid repetitive typing and focus more on coding.

  • Increase accuracy: Reduce the chance of mistyping commands.

  • Personalize your workflow: Tailor Git to fit your style and preferences.

How to Set Up Git Aliases

To create an alias, you’ll use the git config command. Aliases are stored in your Git configuration file, so once they’re set, they’re ready to use in any repository.

Step 1: Check Your Current Git Configuration

Before adding new aliases, it’s helpful to see what’s already configured. Run:

git config --list

This will display all your Git settings, including any existing aliases.

Step 2: Add a New Alias

To create a new alias, use the following syntax:

git config --global alias.<shortcut> '<command>'
  • --global: Applies the alias to all your repositories.

  • <shortcut>: The shorthand you’ll type to use the alias.

  • <command>: The full Git command the alias will execute.

Let’s try a practical example:

git config --global 'checkout'

Now, instead of typing git checkout, you can simply type git co.

Step 3: Verify Your Alias

You can check if the alias was added successfully with:

git config --get

It should return checkout.

Common Git Aliases You’ll Want to Use

Here’s a list of useful Git aliases that can make your life easier. Feel free to customize them as needed.

1. Shortcuts for Common Commands

git config --global 'status'
git config --global 'branch'
git config --global 'commit -m'
  • git st: Quickly check the status of your repository.

  • git br: List all your branches.

  • git cm: Commit changes with a message.

2. Powerful Log Aliases

Viewing commit history can be tedious. Here are some aliases to simplify it:

git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --graph --all"
git config --global "log --stat"
  • git lg: Shows a clean, graphical overview of the commit history.

  • git ls: Displays a detailed list of changes for each commit.

3. Working with Remotes

git config --global alias.pu 'push'
git config --global 'pull'
git config --global alias.rf 'fetch'
  • git pu: Push changes to the remote repository.

  • git pl: Pull updates from the remote repository.

  • git rf: Fetch updates without merging them.

Advanced Git Aliases for Power Users

1. Chaining Commands

You can combine multiple commands in a single alias using semicolons. For example:

git config --global '!git add . && git commit -m'

With git ac, you can stage all changes and commit them in one go.

2. Running Shell Commands

Precede a shell command with ! to use it as an alias. For example:

git config --global alias.hist '!git log --oneline --graph --decorate'

This makes git hist a concise way to view a detailed, graphical history of your repository.

How to Edit or Remove Git Aliases

Edit an Alias

To modify an alias, simply rerun the git config command with the updated value:

git config --global alias.<shortcut> '<new-command>'

Remove an Alias

To delete an alias, use:

git config --global --unset alias.<shortcut>

For example:

git config --global --unset

Storing Git Aliases in a Configuration File

If you prefer managing your aliases in a file, you can edit the Git configuration file directly. Open it with:

vi ~/.gitconfig

Under the [alias] section, you can add, edit, or remove aliases. For instance:

iniCopy code[alias]
    st = status
    br = branch
    lg = log --oneline --graph --all

Save the file, and your changes will take effect immediately.

Bonus 1: Sharing Git Aliases Across Teams

To share your aliases with teammates, you can include them in your project’s .gitconfig file or share a script they can run. For example:

git config --global 'status'
git config --global 'branch'
git config --global 'commit -m'

Save this script as, and teammates can execute it to configure their Git aliases.

Bonus 2: Few more examples..

Bonus 3: FAQs

Q1. Can I use Git aliases on a per-project basis?
Yes, you can omit the --global flag when creating an alias to make it specific to a repository.

Q2. Are Git aliases case-sensitive?
Yes, Git aliases are case-sensitive, so co and CO would be treated as separate aliases.

Q3. Can I use Git aliases for custom scripts?
Absolutely! You can use ! to run shell scripts or chain commands in an alias.

Q4. Do Git aliases work across different operating systems?
Yes, as long as Git is installed, aliases will work consistently across platforms.

Q5. Where are my Git aliases stored?
Global aliases are stored in the ~/.gitconfig file, while local aliases reside in the .git/config file of the repository.

Q6. Will Git aliases interfere with default Git commands?
No, Git aliases don’t override default commands. If there’s a conflict, Git will use the built-in command.

Wrapping Up

Git aliases are a simple yet powerful way to enhance your workflow. By reducing repetitive tasks, you save time and make version control more enjoyable. Feel free to explore the concept using the official Git documentation.

Git Aliases Documentation

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